Hi gurus,
I'm writing a SD custom report and I need to read pricing conditions from invoices. Everithing was going right until I've found an unexpected scenario which is causing wrong numbers in my report.
Let's say I have the following logic:
From A650 table, I'm reading a custom princing condition for the KUNNR. This gives me a KNUMH value.
According to the image, for tis KUNNR and Z320 condicion I can find two differente KNUMH values, validity dependent. This is OK.
KONP tables gives me the value to take into account for calculations for each KNUMH:
So I'll calculate based on 33,10% for 9032 and 34,10 for 39292. This is also OK for me.
However, here comes my problem. In KONV table I can find the following:
- Records for 9032 condition number and the value from KONP (33,10%). OK.
- Records for 39292 condition number and the value from KONP (34,10%). OK.
- And finally, records for 9032 condition number BUT 34,10%, which is not the value from KONP for this condition.
How is this possible? In my understanding, if the value is 34,10% the condition number should be 39292, right?
Is there a way to fix this? Am I wrong?
Thanks in advance.