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'Failures in the 'synchronizing binaries' phase'


Hi Experts,


Recently i restarted the services via SAP Management Console but the Java services (jstart.EXE) does not up. I've checked the listener in the MaxDB and it is working. Can you please help me? Below is the developer trace.





trc file: "dev_jstart.4924", trc level: 1, release: "742"





trc file: "dev_jstart.new", trc level: 1, release: "742"


sysno      93

sid        X9F

systemid   562 (PC with Windows NT)

relno      7420

patchlevel 0

patchno    300

intno      20020600

make       multithreaded, Unicode, 64 bit, optimized

profile    \\aaet-xxx2\sapmnt\X9F\SYS\profile\X9F_J93_aaet-xxx2

pid        4924




*  ACTIVE TRACE LEVEL           1





Fri May 27 08:45:56 2016


*  trace logging activated, max size = 52428800 bytes, 2 versions




arguments :

  arg[ 0] : D:\usr\sap\X9F\J93\exe\jstart.EXE

  arg[ 1] : pf=\\aaet-xxx2\sapmnt\X9F\SYS\profile\X9F_J93_aaet-xxx2




F Fri May 27 08:45:56 2016

F  ********************************************************************************

F  Java environment properties (D:\usr\sap\X9F\J93\work\jstart.jvm)

F    root directory    : D:\usr\sap\X9F\J93\exe\sapjvm_6

F    vendor            : SAP AG

F    version           : 1.6.0_105

F    cpu               : xxx

F    java vm type      : server

F    java vm version   : 6.1.084 25.51-b15

F    jvm library name  : jvm.dll

F    library path      : D:\usr\sap\X9F\J93\exe\sapjvm_6\jre\bin\server;D:\usr\sap\X9F\J93\exe\sapjvm_6\jre\bin

F    executable path   : D:\usr\sap\X9F\J93\exe\sapjvm_6\bin

F  ********************************************************************************

F    SAP extensions    : available

F  ********************************************************************************

I  [Thr 3352] MtxInit: 30002 0 2




trc file: "dev_jstart", trc level: 1, release: "742"



*  ACTIVE TRACE LEVEL           1



F  [Thr 3352] *** LOG => connected to Enqueue Server.

F  [Thr 3352] *** LOG => connected to Message Server.

F  [Thr 3352] *** LOG => Starting run level 1.

F  ********************************************************************************

F  Java process [deployment] properties:

F    section name     : deployment

F    config file      : D:\usr\sap\X9F\J93\exe\startup.properties

F    node name        : Deploy_offline

F    home directory   : D:\usr\sap\X9F\J93\j2ee\cluster

F    shutdown timeout : 136000 ms

F    exit timeout     : 7000 ms

F    debuggable       : false

F    debugger active  : false

F  ********************************************************************************

F  [Thr 3352] *** LOG => Instance state is "Deploying offline components" (STARTING @ 0, INACTIVE).

F  [Thr 3352] *** LOG => Starting nodes: runlevel 1.

F  ********************************************************************************

F  Starting process: D:\usr\sap\X9F\J93\exe\jstart.EXE

F    arg[ 1] = -nodeId=0

F    arg[ 2] = pf=\\aaet-xxx2\sapmnt\X9F\SYS\profile\X9F_J93_aaet-xxx2

F    arg[ 3] = -hostvm

F    arg[ 4] = -nodeName=deployment

F    arg[ 5] = -file=D:\usr\sap\X9F\J93\exe\startup.properties

F    arg[ 6] = -jvmFile=D:\usr\sap\X9F\J93\work\jstart.jvm

F    arg[ 7] = -traceFile=D:\usr\sap\X9F\J93\work\dev_deployment

F    arg[ 8] = -javaOutFile=D:\usr\sap\X9F\J93\work\jvm_deployment.out


F  exePath : PATH=D:\usr\sap\X9F\J93\exe\sapjvm_6\bin;D:\usr\sap\X9F\J93\exe;C:\Windows\system32;C:\Windows;C:\Windows\System32\Wbem;C:\Windows\System32\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0;D:\usr\sap\X9F\SYS\exe\uc\NTXXX64;D:\sapdb\clients\X9F\bin;D:\sapdb\clients\X9F\pgm;D:\sapdb\programs\bin

F  libPath : PATH=D:\usr\sap\X9F\J93\exe\sapjvm_6\jre\bin\server;D:\usr\sap\X9F\J93\exe\sapjvm_6\jre\bin;D:\usr\sap\X9F\J93\j2ee\os_libs;D:\usr\sap\X9F\J93\exe\sapjvm_6\bin;D:\usr\sap\X9F\J93\exe;C:\Windows\system32;C:\Windows;C:\Windows\System32\Wbem;C:\Windows\System32\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0;D:\usr\sap\X9F\SYS\exe\uc\NTAMD64;D:\sapdb\clients\X9F\bin;D:\sapdb\clients\X9F\pgm;D:\sapdb\programs\bin

F  stdout  : D:\usr\sap\X9F\J93\work\std_deployment.out

F  stderr  : D:\usr\sap\X9F\J93\work\std_deployment.out

F  console : no

F  debugger: no

F  nice    : no

F  ********************************************************************************

F  Process Deploy_offline started with pid 4872

F  ********************************************************************************

F  [Thr 3352] *** LOG => Process deployment started (pid 4872).


F [Thr 3352] Fri May 27 08:45:59 2016

F  [Thr 3352] *** LOG => Process deployment stopping (pid 4872).


F [Thr 3008] Fri May 27 08:45:59 2016

F  [Thr 3008] *** LOG => Signal 13 SIGCHLD.

F  [Thr 3352] *** LOG => Process deployment stopped (pid 4872).

F  [Thr 3352] *** LOG => Instance state is "Deploying offline components" (STOPPING @ 0, INACTIVE).

F  [Thr 3352] *** LOG => Run level 1 completed.

F  [Thr 3352] *** LOG => Starting run level 2.

F  ********************************************************************************

F  Java process [bootstrap] properties:

F    section name     : bootstrap

F    config file      : D:\usr\sap\X9F\J93\exe\startup.properties

F    node name        : Instance_bootstrap

F    home directory   : D:\usr\sap\X9F\J93\j2ee\cluster

F    shutdown timeout : 136000 ms

F    exit timeout     : 7000 ms

F    debuggable       : false

F    debugger active  : false

F  ********************************************************************************

F  [Thr 3352] *** LOG => Instance state is "Synchronizing binaries" (STARTING @ 0, INACTIVE).

F  [Thr 3352] *** LOG => Starting nodes: runlevel 2.

F  ********************************************************************************

F  Starting process: D:\usr\sap\X9F\J93\exe\jstart.EXE

F    arg[ 1] = -nodeId=0

F    arg[ 2] = pf=\\aaet-xxx2\sapmnt\X9F\SYS\profile\X9F_J93_aaet-xxx2

F    arg[ 3] = -hostvm

F    arg[ 4] = -nodeName=bootstrap

F    arg[ 5] = -file=D:\usr\sap\X9F\J93\exe\startup.properties

F    arg[ 6] = -jvmFile=D:\usr\sap\X9F\J93\work\jstart.jvm

F    arg[ 7] = -traceFile=D:\usr\sap\X9F\J93\work\dev_bootstrap

F    arg[ 8] = -javaOutFile=D:\usr\sap\X9F\J93\work\jvm_bootstrap.out


F  exePath : PATH=D:\usr\sap\X9F\J93\exe\sapjvm_6\bin;D:\usr\sap\X9F\J93\exe;C:\Windows\system32;C:\Windows;C:\Windows\System32\Wbem;C:\Windows\System32\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0;D:\usr\sap\X9F\SYS\exe\uc\NTAMD64;D:\sapdb\clients\X9F\bin;D:\sapdb\clients\X9F\pgm;D:\sapdb\programs\bin

F  libPath : PATH=D:\usr\sap\X9F\J93\exe\sapjvm_6\jre\bin\server;D:\usr\sap\X9F\J93\exe\sapjvm_6\jre\bin;D:\usr\sap\X9F\J93\j2ee\os_libs;D:\usr\sap\X9F\J93\exe\sapjvm_6\bin;D:\usr\sap\X9F\J93\exe;C:\Windows\system32;C:\Windows;C:\Windows\System32\Wbem;C:\Windows\System32\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0;D:\usr\sap\X9F\SYS\exe\uc\NTXXX64;D:\sapdb\clients\X9F\bin;D:\sapdb\clients\X9F\pgm;D:\sapdb\programs\bin

F  stdout  : D:\usr\sap\X9F\J93\work\std_bootstrap.out

F  stderr  : D:\usr\sap\X9F\J93\work\std_bootstrap.out

F  console : no

F  debugger: no

F  nice    : no

F  ********************************************************************************

F  Process Instance_bootstrap started with pid 3812

F  ********************************************************************************

F  [Thr 3352] *** LOG => Process bootstrap started (pid 3812).


F [Thr 3352] Fri May 27 08:46:06 2016

F  [Thr 3352] *** LOG => Process bootstrap stopping (pid 3812).


F [Thr 1164] Fri May 27 08:46:06 2016

F  [Thr 1164] *** LOG => Signal 13 SIGCHLD.

F  [Thr 3352] *** LOG => Process bootstrap stopped (pid 3812).

F  [Thr 3352] *** WARNING => Node bootstrap failed: result 1, exit code 558. [sfxxnode.hpp 1024]

F  ********************************************************************************

F  Native process [snapshot] properties:

F    section name     : snapshot

F    config file      : D:\usr\sap\X9F\J93\exe\startup.properties

F    node name        : snapshot

F    home directory   : D:\usr\sap\X9F\J93\work

F    shutdown timeout : 122000 ms

F    sf support       : false

F  ********************************************************************************

F  ********************************************************************************

F  Starting process: D:\usr\sap\X9F\J93\exe\sapcontrol.EXE

F    arg[ 1] = -prot

F    arg[ 2] = PIPE

F    arg[ 3] = -nr

F    arg[ 4] = 93

F    arg[ 5] = -function

F    arg[ 6] = CreateSnapshot

F    arg[ 7] = Servercrash

F    arg[ 8] = postmortem?node=bootstrap&exitcode=558

F    arg[ 9] = 1

F    arg[10] = 10000

F    arg[11] = ""

F    arg[12] = ""

F    arg[13] = DEFAULT


F  exePath : PATH=D:\usr\sap\X9F\J93\exe;C:\Windows\system32;C:\Windows;C:\Windows\System32\Wbem;C:\Windows\System32\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0;D:\usr\sap\X9F\SYS\exe\uc\NTAMD64;D:\sapdb\clients\X9F\bin;D:\sapdb\clients\X9F\pgm;D:\sapdb\programs\bin

F  libPath : PATH=D:\usr\sap\X9F\J93\exe;C:\Windows\system32;C:\Windows;C:\Windows\System32\Wbem;C:\Windows\System32\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0;D:\usr\sap\X9F\SYS\exe\uc\NTAMD64;D:\sapdb\clients\X9F\bin;D:\sapdb\clients\X9F\pgm;D:\sapdb\programs\bin

F  stdout  : D:\usr\sap\X9F\J93\work\std_snapshot.out

F  stderr  : D:\usr\sap\X9F\J93\work\std_snapshot.out

F  console : no

F  debugger: no

F  nice    : no

F  ********************************************************************************

F  Process snapshot started with pid 4420

F  ********************************************************************************

F  [Thr 3352] *** LOG => Process snapshot started (pid 4420).

F  [Thr 3352] *** LOG => Process snapshot running (pid 4420).


F [Thr 3352] Fri May 27 08:46:07 2016

F  [Thr 3352] *** LOG => SAP Start Service (pid 1400) connected.

F  [Thr 3352] *** LOG => SAP Start Service (pid 1400) disconnected.


F [Thr 4604] Fri May 27 08:46:29 2016

F  [Thr 4604] *** LOG => Signal 13 SIGCHLD.


F [Thr 3352] Fri May 27 08:46:29 2016

F  [Thr 3352] *** LOG => Process snapshot stopped (pid 4420).

F  [Thr 3352] *** LOG => Instance state is "Synchronizing binaries" (STOPPING @ 0, INACTIVE).

F  [Thr 3352] *** LOG => Run level 2 completed.

F  [Thr 3352] *** LOG => Instance state is "Some processes failed" (STOPPED @ 0, INACTIVE).

I  [Thr 3352] MPI: dynamic quotas disabled.

I  [Thr 3352] MPI init: pipes=4000 buffers=6395 reserved=1918 quota=10%


F  ********************************************************************************

F  *** ERROR => Node 'bootstrap' failed with exit code 558.

F  ***

F  *** Please see section 'Failures in the 'synchronizing binaries' phase'

F  *** in SAP Note 1316652 for additional information and trouble shooting advice.

F  ********************************************************************************


F  [Thr 3352] *** LOG => exiting (exitcode 22002, retcode 1).

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