Yes, so strange. I tried running the command line from my local machine and it is working.
But from Designer, it is still the same error.
14698 | 2913228576 | PRINTFN | 6/20/2016 7:37:30 AM | 1: Cannot create process with image file <cmd> and command line <cmddel |
14698 | 2913228576 | PRINTFN | 6/20/2016 7:37:30 AM | O:\Project\++Projects\Cube\ETL_Unit_test\FILEGEN.txt >, due to error <No such file or directory>. |
14698 | 2913228576 | JOB | 6/20/2016 7:37:30 AM | Job <JB_CYCLE_START> is completed successfully. |